5.01 Foot Launch - Required Witnessed Tasks
A. Set up and preflight of glider and harness, to include familiarity with owner's manual(s).
B. Demonstrate proper ground handling of equipment.
C. With each flight, demonstrate method(s) of establishing that pilot is hooked in just prior to launch.
D. Launch unassisted showing:
1. Aggressive run.
2. Good angle of attack and pitch control.
3. Directional control.
4. Smooth transition to flying, during launch.
E. Airspeed recognition and control.
1. Two flights, predetermined to show:
a. Constant airspeed.
b. Smooth straight flight.
c. Safe, smooth landing, on feet, into wind.
2. Two flights, predetermined to show:
a. Confident, slight variation in airspeed showing awareness and control of airspeed envelope.
b. Smoothly increasing airspeed, smoothly slowing airspeed showing good control, familiarity, and
anticipation of safe envelope, without losing control. Airspeed to remain well above stall speed.
c. Safe, smooth landing, on feet, into wind.
F. Shows ability to recognize and understand how different wind conditions at this site will affect their
1. Wind direction.
2. Wind velocity.
3. Terrain Shape.
4. Obstructions.
G. On each flight, demonstrates proper post-landing procedure, to include, but not limited to:
1. Setting glider down.
2. Unhooking.
3. Checking traffic.
4. Removal of glider from landing area.
5. Any specific protocol at this site.
H. Demonstration of understanding of the importance of proper breakdown, packing, transportation, and
storage of glider.
I. Has read and understands USHGA statements and definitions of Good Judgement and Maturity.
J. Must pass USHGA Beginner written exam.
104.06 NOVICE RATING - Foot Launch - Required Witnessed Tasks
The pilot shall use Good Judgement and have a level of Maturity commensurate with the rating. Pilots must
demonstrate Beginner level skills and knowledge before obtaining Novice rating. All witnessed flights must
be pre-planned by pilot and discussed with Instructor or specially qualified Observer.
A. Attends a minimum of 8 hours of ground school.
B. Demonstrates set-up and preflight of glider and harness. (Parachute)
C. Gives reliability analysis of general conditions of site and self; and flight plan including flight path, areas
to avoid in relation to the wind flow and obstacles to stay clear of.
D. With each flight, demonstrates method of establishing that pilot is hooked in just prior to launch.
E. Flight Tasks:
1. Demonstrates successful, aggressive, confident launches on a slope shallower than 4: 1 with less than
6 mph wind.
2. Demonstrates successful, aggressive, confident launches, where wind is at least 15 degrees cross to
straight up the hill in wind not exceeding 5 mph.
3. Demonstrates flight with smooth variation in airspeed, from above minimum sink to fast flight, while
maintaining a heading.
4. Demonstrates flight showing ability to comfortably and precisely slow the glider to minimum sink and
smoothly increase airspeed to normal while maintaining a heading. The pilot should not mush or stall
the glider. These maneuvers should be practiced and observed with a minimum of 75 feet AGL in smooth
5. Demonstrates flight(s) along a planned path alternating "S" turns of at least 90 degrees change in heading.
Flight heading need not exceed 45 degrees from straight into wind. Turns must be smooth with controlled airspeed,
ending in safe, stand up landings on a heading.
6. Demonstrates three consecutive landings within 100' of a target, safe, smooth, on feet and into the wind.
Target must be sufficiently close to launch such that turns are required to set up an approach and avoid
overflying the target. Target should be at least 100' below launch point.
7. Demonstrates smooth entry to and exit from prone position without change in pitch and roll.
8. While prone, demonstrates flight with smooth variation in airspeed, from above minimum sink to fast flight,
while maintaining a heading.
9. While prone, demonstrates flight showing ability to comfortably and precisely slow the glider to minimum
sink and smoothly increase airspeed to normal while maintaining a heading. The pilot should not mush or stall
the glider. These maneuvers should be practiced and observed with a minimum of 75 feet AGL in smooth
10. While prone, demonstrates flight(s) along a planned path alternating "S" turns of at least 90 degree change
in heading. Flight heading need not exceed 45 o from straight into wind. Turns must be smooth with
controlled airspeed, ending in safe, stand up landings on a heading.
F . Must pass the USHGA Novice written exam.
104.07 INTERMEDIATE RATING - Foot/Tow-Launch - Required Witnessed Tasks
A. The pilot shall use Good Judgement and have a level of Maturity commensurate with the rating.
1. Must have logged a minimum of 30 flying days.
2. Must have logged a total of at least 90 flights.
3. Must have logged a minimum of 10 hours of solo airtime.
4. Has received and understands the importance and/or significance of:
a) Right of way rules.
b) F AA Regulations, sectional charts.
c) Airspeed control, stalls, spins, and adverse yaw.
d) Glider owner's manual.
e) USHGA Accident Report results currently in print.
5. Can give verbal analysis of conditions on the hill demonstrating knowledge of wind shadows,
gradients, lift, sink, laminar air, turbulence, and rotors and the effect these items can have on
intended fligh path and turns.
6. Must give verbal flight plan for each observed flight.
7. Must show thorough preflight of harness and glider, and a parachute.
8. With each flight, demonstrates method of establishing that pilot is hooked in just prior to launch.
9. All takeoffs should be aggressive, confident and with a smooth transition to flying. Flights
with slow, unstable launches will not be considered adequate as witnessed tasks.
10. For witnessed tasks, all landings must be safe, smooth, on the feet, and in control.
11. Demonstrates the ability to differentiate airspeed from ground speed.
12. Demonstrates linked 180 degree turns along a predetermined ground track showing smooth controlled
reversals and proper coordination at various speeds and angles of bank.
13. Explains stall warning characteristics.
14. Has practiced and demonstrates gentle stalls and proper recovery under the direct supervision of an
instructoror qualified observer, at least 500' from any object.
15. In 8 to 15 mph wind, demonstrates the ability to maintain airspeed at or near minimum sink during
crosswind and upwind legs, without any evidence of stalls.
16. Demonstrates (*three consecutive spot landings) within 50' of a spot after flights requiring turns on
17. Demonstrates proper airspeed control on landing approach when descending through a gradient.
18. Demonstrates proper airspeed for maximum distance flown into a significant headwind.
19. Demonstrates complete understanding of all Towing Discussion Topics.
20. Must pass USHGA Intermediate written exam.
B. Recommended Operating Limitations for Intermediate Pilots:
1. Should fly only in winds of 25 mph or less, with gust differential of 10 mph or less.
2. Should initiate downwind turns only with 500' of clearance outward from the hill or ridge in winds
above 18 mph, and 300' of clearance in winds above 10 mph.
3. Upon mastering the above skills, an Intermediate Pilot should pursue new maneuvers, sites and
conditions with the guidance of a USHGA Certified Advanced Instructor or Observer.
104.08 ADVANCED RATING - Foot/Tow Launch - Required Witnessed Tasks
A. The pilot will fly using Good Judgement and have Maturity commensurate with the rating.
The following logged requirements must be met:
1. 250 flights.
2. Five flights at each of five different sites in Intermediate level conditions, of which at
least 3 were inland.
3. Eighty flying days.
4. At least one, 1-hour flight.
5. At least one 30-minute flight in thermal lift without sustaining ridge lift.
6. Must have logged 75 hours total airtime with no more than 25 of these hours to be tandem
with a Certified Instructor who holds a tandem rating. Twenty-five of these 75 hours must be
in thermal lift, with no more than 10 of these 25 hours to be tandem with a Certified Instructor
who holds a Tandem rating.
B. The following tasks shall be demonstrated:
1. Preflight of harness, parachute and glider.
2. Verbal analysis of conditions.
3. Flight plan.
4. With each flight, demonstrates method of establishing that pilot is hooked in just prior to
5. All launches should be aggressive, confident, and with a smooth transition from running
to flying. Flights with slow, unstable launches will not be considered adequate as witnessed tasks.
6. All landings must be safe, smooth, on the feet and in control.
7. Demonstrate ability to allow clearance when doing 360 ° turns by demonstrating figure eights:
a) In a wind sufficient to cause drift, two points will be selected on a line perpendicular to the
b) The pilot will fly along a line parallel to that joining the pylons, slightly downwind of the
pylons, toward a point midway between them. During the crosswind leg, the pilot will establish
the degree of wind drift. At the midpoint between the pylons, the pilot will make a smooth
deliberate upwind turn and enter a figure eight course consisting of smooth turns of constant
ground track radius around the pylons (centered on the pylons) with straight segments crossing
at the midpoint between the pylons.
c) The pilot must complete two consecutive figure eights in which the airspeed, bank angle,
and turn rate are altered smoothly around the course such that the proper ground track is held
and the drift is compensated for, without overcompensation or hesitation.
Demonstrate (*three consecutive spot landings) within 25' of a target after a flight which
requires turns on approach. In smooth conditions, the spot location should be changed by the
Observer, for each of the three flights. Flights should be a minimum of one minute and 200' AGL.
9. Demonstrate smooth coordinated 360° turns in both directions, with reversal at various
speeds and bank angles.
10. At a minimum of 500' demonstrate intentional stalls straight ahead and in turns,
showing confident smooth recoveries.
11. Demonstrate ability to soar above a low point for five minutes on each of three
different flights.
12. Demonstrate an altitude gain of at least 500' in thermals.
13. Demonstrate complete understanding of all Towing Discussion Topics.
14. Must pass the USHGA - Advanced written exam.
15. Must convince the Observer that he can check in and fly Advanced rated sites without
endangering spectators, other pilots, or jeopardizing the site.
C. Recommended Operating Limitations for Advanced Pilots:
1. Should not fly within 30' of another glider in smooth air, or 100' of another glider in
moderately turbulent air.